Strict Diet During Tour
You might think that he’s a carefree person because he spends his free time on the beach, though that’s not actually true. In fact, Kenny is incredibly strict when it comes to his diet when he is on tour. Whenever he is on tour, Kenny stays fit by eating a huge amount of veggies and chicken. When it’s off-season, however, this does not apply. During this time of the year, Kenny is free to eat as much junk food as he likes!

Strict Diet During Tour
Tests Nosebleed Section
When you want to know more about his career, the first thing you will have to know is that Kenny is a workaholic. He makes sure to check every last detail before his shows since he wants the fans to have the best experience. Before he performs in large venues, Kenny walks to the nosebleed section to see what the sound is like over there. When he does this, he estimates how much energy he needs to expend to move someone who is seated in that section. According to the musician, the happiness of the nosebleed fans is a good indicator of the happiness of the whole crowd.

Tests Nosebleed Section