Kenny is considered one of the wealthiest country celebs ever and this status has let him give back to numerous non-profit organizations. He has established the Spread The Love Fund in order to pay for the medical bills of the Boston Marathon bombing victims. Apart from making monetary donations, he has also paid visits to the injured when they were at the hospital. He even raised awareness by letting fans register to donate their bone marrow during concerts. His 2015 tour possibly saved 25 lives courtesy of the stadium registration system he initiated.

His Mistress
Anyone familiar with Kenny Chesney will let you know that he puts in a lot of passion and drive in whatever he does. Even when he has finished climbing new heights, he feels the need to do even better. He has talked about how he is similar to a shark in the way that he needs to be constantly on the move to stay alive. Composing songs has helped him cope with stressful circumstances and he has harnessed these feelings into the creation of his greatest hits. He has said that he is content to be a single man with music for a muse.

His Mistress