The Stars of the Eighties – Where Are They Now?

Published on 06/19/2024

The eighties were a treasure trove of iconic figures, from rising star Bruce Willis to a myriad of other familiar faces gracing our TV screens nightly. These luminaries from the past continue to linger in our memories, some still in the limelight, while others faded into obscurity before the dawn of the nineties. Delve into the rich tapestry of trivia and anecdotes from that vibrant era that shaped a generation with its dynamic personalities, flamboyant styles, and evolving comedic preferences. The spirit of the eighties infused every aspect of the decade, leaving an indelible mark on Hollywood for years to come. Test your recollection: which stars do you still recall, and which have slipped from memory’s grasp?

The Stars Of The Eighties Where Are They Now

The Stars Of The Eighties Where Are They Now



ALF (Alien Life Force) was set to reunite with his friends Skip and Rhonda in their newly founded colony, New Melmac. However, just before the joyful reunion, the government’s Alien Task Force intervened and apprehended ALF. The conclusion of the fourth season of “ALF” was destined to be a cliffhanger, but NBC chose not to continue to a fifth season. This decision left many viewers bewildered and concerned for the endearing character they had grown fond of. Fortunately, “Project: ALF,” a television movie from 1996, depicted ALF’s daring escape from the clutches of the Alien Task Force. Regrettably, the movie failed to resonate with fans and has since faded into obscurity. This iconic puppet star remains firmly rooted in the eighties.