Charcoal Purifies Air And Removes Odors
You can purchase some activated bamboo charcoal at home goods stores. It can be used to purify the air and remove odors – no need for pricey air purifiers or baking soda here. In addition, it can remove allergens and bacteria. Just put this kind of charcoal in mesh bags and place them in areas with foul odors. The company BreathGreen Charcoal Bags sells its products for $10 each.

Charcoal Purifies Air And Removes Odors
Random Jean Buttons
If you like wearing jeans, you are probably familiar with the extra buttons all over your pants, often found near the pockets. You probably do not have any idea what the buttons are for, but they are actually pretty important. Called rivets, these buttons are strategically placed on the garment to stop it from ripping open at the seams when it gets worn out. Jeans giant Levi Strauss owns the patent on rivets and he thought up the idea when he found out about miners complaining about their jeans getting easily worn out back in 1829.

Random Jean Buttons