Asking For Help
Having found a mysterious formation, he tried to scrape the mud off of its surface to get a better look at it. He was hoping that this would allow him to see what it was. However, no matter how he tried, he could not scrape the mud off of the mysterious object. When he realized that this thing could be important, he called his wife, hoping she could help in figuring out what the object was.

Asking For Help
Working On It Some More
When his wife, Reina, joined Jose, they worked together to get the mud off of the object to figure out what it was. They made sure to work carefully and slowly to avoid damaging any parts. The more they worked, the more they realized just how huge the object was. After they spent hours working hard, they both agreed they needed to ask someone else for help. They contacted the police to see if the authorities could assist them.

Working On It Some More