Don’t Make Them Go Back
If you lose your wallet, you are likely to lose a great deal of vital information as well as money. For some people, losing your driver’s license is the worst thing that can happen since it involves going to the DMV, which is a stronghold of evil. The maker of this placard appears to be attempting to elicit sympathy. Hopefully, his pleading for mercy was heard by whoever found his wallet.

Don’t Make Them Go Back
Don’t Make Eye Contact
Not everyone loves their dogs, believe it or not. That’s because some dogs are completely misbehaving jerks. Some of them pose major issues, while others are overly aggressive. When their dog goes missing, such dog owners may really be relieved. This sign is most likely lying because if they truly intended to get rid of Klaus, they wouldn’t need an excuse to put him up for adoption. Maybe they’re just being mean to Klaus.

Don’t Make Eye Contact