40+ Hilarious Lost & Found Signs That Would Make Your Day

Published on 06/08/2022

Freed At Last

Not everyone who wanders is lost, and this includes dogs! Pierre certainly has the blood of some French Revolutionaries coursing through his veins, and he, like his forefathers, desires independence via bloodshed! But, honestly, Pierre, we don’t believe that modern humans, on average, abuse their pets as terribly as the medieval nobles of France did.

Freed At Last

Freed At Last



Unfortunately, there is no way to make up for lost time. You can, on the other hand, express your dissatisfaction to anyone who will listen, and perhaps find some sympathetic ears. After all, we’ve all been in a situation when you’re just waiting for some medicine to kick in and allow you to resume your normal routine. Could Claritin maybe work a little faster?

