40+ Hilarious Lost & Found Signs That Would Make Your Day

Published on 06/08/2022

Social Issues

I firmly believe that the pandemic hurt our collective social standing. It almost seems as though we have forgotten how to interact with others. These days, we’re terrified of having even the slightest interaction with another human being. It almost seems as though we are doing anything to avoid social interaction with self-checkout, self-payments, and self-service.

Social Issues

Social Issues


Be Careful What You Wish For

We occasionally have wishes for things that aren’t always in our best interests. For instance, since Christmas is a day that is always filled with excitement, we would desire that it could happen every day. This does not, however, imply that Christmas should be celebrated every day! Logistically, it couldn’t happen. Similar circumstances exist here… Who knows if it will actually happen.

Be Careful What You Wish For

Be Careful What You Wish For