Matching Sunday
Can you believe how big the kids are getting? Here we can see Grayson and Hannah in adorable matching outfits. Katie began this little tradition where she dresses the family to match on Sundays for the church.

Matching Sunday
Making Memories
It’s always nice to commemorate big milestones with photos we can keep forever. With Katie and her kids, she loves taking pictures to make memories of everything. So, when Grayson was starting preschool, it only made sense for Katie to take a picture for herself and Instagram! She couldn’t believe how quickly her little boy was growing up. “First Day of Preschool! This kid melts my heart! His smile is contagious and he approaches each opportunity with excitement. He walked into class and never looked back or hesitated once… he jumped at the chance for new friends and a new environment! I can’t believe how big he is and how much he is thriving and growing. We can’t wait to see how much school helps him make even more leaps forward”.

Making Memories