Forbidden Delights: Discover the World’s Most Notorious Banned Foods!

Published on 10/04/2023

24. Hot Dogs

Banned in: United Arab Emirates
Reason: Reduce Obesity in Schools
Est. Global Sales: $2.8 billion per year*

In 2014, a study made a shocking revelation about the health of students in Abu Dhabi – a concerning 14% were found to be overweight. But fear not! The UAE government swiftly sprang into action to combat childhood obesity by implementing a ban on certain foods in school cafeterias. They specifically targeted those devilish items loaded with saturated fat, sugar, sodium, and artificial flavors. And guess what? The top villain that took a hard hit was none other than processed meat, and hotdogs! These sneaky snacks are known for their high levels of saturated fat and sodium, offering little to no nutritional value. So, in the name of promoting healthier eating habits, hotdogs were sent packing from the cafeterias, along with their notorious companions – candy, soda, and potato chips. Say goodbye to the junk, and hello to a healthier future!

24. Hot Dogs

24. Hot Dogs


25. Little Debbie Swiss Rolls

Banned in: Norway & Austria
Reason: Contains Yellow 5 and Red 40
Est. Global Sales: $500 million per year for Little Debbie*

Have you ever heard of Little Debbie’s? It’s a popular dessert brand in the States, but let’s talk about their famous Swiss Rolls. Now, these tasty treats have stirred up quite a controversy due to their questionable ingredients. Apparently, there’s been a lot of criticism towards Little Debbie’s for including harmful food colorings like Yellow 5 and Red 40. Not only have these dyes been associated with behavioral issues in children, but they’ve also been shown to increase the risk of birth defects, organ failure, and even certain cancers in animal tests. Can you believe it? Now, here’s the interesting part. While these dyes are still allowed in the EU, there’s a catch. Products have to carry a warning label, so consumers are at least aware of the potential health risks. But wait, there’s more! In Norway and Austria, this product has been completely banned. That’s right, they want nothing to do with it.

25. Little Debbie Swiss Rolls

25. Little Debbie Swiss Rolls