Forbidden Delights: Discover the World’s Most Notorious Banned Foods!

Published on 10/04/2023

20. Post Honey Maid S’mores

Banned in: Australia, New Zealand, Japan, the United Kingdom, and most of Europe
Reason: Contains BHT
Est. Global Sales: $1.92 billion per year for Post Cereal*

Imagine strolling down the cereal aisle of an American grocery store, seemingly ordinary to the locals. But hold up! With delights like Post Honey Maid S’mores breakfast cereal, visitors are in for a treat they won’t soon forget. Why? Because these goodies are hard to come by in most other countries. But beware, just like other American breakfast cereals, S’mores cereal contains Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), a cancer-causing ingredient banned in several nations. So, if you needed another reason to stick to the campfire-made S’mores and avoid the knock-off cereal version, this might just be it.

20. Post Honey Maid S’mores

20. Post Honey Maid S’mores


21. Instant Mashed Potatoes

Banned in: Japan, Australia, European Union, United Kingdom
Reason: Contains BHA
Est. Global Sales: $4.37 billion per year*

Imagine this: if you were to boil and mash some fresh potatoes for tonight’s dinner, the result would probably be tastier than anything that could come out of a box of instant mash. But let’s talk about convenience for a moment. When hunger strikes, convenience tends to win over quality. Yet, you should know that convenience often comes with a price. Take instant mashed potatoes, for instance. They contain Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA), a preservative commonly found in all sorts of things, even rubber packaging. Now, here’s the catch: BHA is not only potentially harmful, but it’s also considered a human carcinogen. It has been banned in various countries, including all the members of the European Union. So, maybe, just maybe, convenience isn’t always the better option to go for.

21. Instant Mashed Potatoes

21. Instant Mashed Potatoes