It Happens A Lot
Although ambulances are correct in almost every situation, simply put, they save lives, you would be shocked to see how many letters they receive are threatening. As a matter of fact, on average, the West Midlands emergency service has been exposed to at least one harassment of its staff every day.

It Happens A Lot
Saving Lives Everywhere
Lee continued, “If you genuinely need to leave your house urgently and we are blocking your access, please come and knock on the door where the emergency is taking place. Sometimes we will be able to move the vehicle, for example, if we are treating a patient, but they do not need both of us there at the time. However, there will be times that we are treating someone experiencing a life-threatening and time-critical emergency and moving our ambulance will not be our priority… you will need to be patient as we try to save someone’s life,” said Lee Brentnall, Paramedic and Ambulance Operations Manager.

Saving Lives Everywhere