Get Ready To Be Blown Away By These Incredible Military Vehicles

Published on 12/14/2020

Oshkosh M-ATV

The Oshkosh M-ATV is a small but supercharged patrol car that has replaced the HUMVEE. On top of that, it can be used for combat! It is more maneuverable and faster than the ones that came before it and offer better protection from rockets and IEDs than many armored personnel carriers. It also has a CROW remote weapon station and the latest Warlock electronic IED jammers.

Oshkosh M ATV

Oshkosh M-ATV


DOK-ING MV-4 Mine Clearance Drone

Allow us to introduce you to this Croatian-made drone that can dig up barricades and clear safe passages through minefields in only a couple of minutes. It can do all that while the crew is miles away. This drone is unique since its all-electric power train is very quiet, especially for a tracked vehicle. In the past, the DOKO-ING line provides a number of specialized variants that perform a variety of functions.

DOK ING MV 4 Mine Clearance Drone

DOK-ING MV-4 Mine Clearance Drone