What Is Your Pooch Telling You? Understanding Dog Behaviors To Better Care For Your Furry Friend

Published on 02/24/2020

Chasing Tails

It is common to see a dog going in circles chasing their tail. If your dog does this, do not worry since they are just being playful. However, if you notice they do it excessively, it could mean health or behavioral issues so it is time to get some professional help. A dog might chew on their tail if they have allergies, anal gland issues, or even OCD. Yes, dogs can have it too!

Chasing Tails

Chasing Tails



For dogs, licking is not uncommon as they do it to show affection. Your dog licks you to tell you they love you. In addition, dogs like tasting the minerals and nutrients that are found in our skin. In case you did not know, intense licking can actually be corrected by training your dog properly.

