David Franklin
David Franklin is a name you might know because he has appeared in the science fiction television series Farscape, where he played Meeklo Braca. If that didn’t ring a bell, perhaps you remember him from Xena: Warrior Princess? Overall, fans remember him best for playing Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles. He is certainly a well-known name!

David Franklin
David Gulpilil
It’s hard to deny that David Gulpilil is an actor with some serious talents. He played Neville Bell in Crocodile Dundee and after his fame from that role, went on to play in some blockbuster movies like The Proposition and Charlie’s Country. However, the man isn’t exactly a saint. His home life has been riddled with police after they arrived at his doorstep following a violent altercation with his wife.

David Gulpilil