How To Shop Smartly And Affordably At Costco – The Items That Should Be Bought Or Avoided

Published on 10/10/2023

Buy – Kirkland Vitamin Water

While many people consider Glaceau Vitamin Water to be a waste of money, the Kirkland Signature Vita Rain Zero is a good deal, regardless of how you view the drink. While both products can be bought at Costco, their tastes and nutritional values are quite similar. Certainly, the prices are different. For $9.99, you can buy the 20-oz pack of Vita Rain Zero for $9.99. You can then enjoy 24 bottles of the tasty and healthy juice.

Kirkland Vitamin Water

Kirkland Vitamin Water


Don’t Buy – Kirkland Laundry Detergent

While you might be able to save a bit of cash while buying the Kirkland Laundry Detergent, this is the sole benefit to be reaped from the purchase. Otherwise, this laundry detergent is quite toxic. Not only will it eat through your old clothes, but it is responsible for triggering asthma and allergy attacks while also exacerbating respiratory issues! Then there are the environmental effects, as when this poisonous stuff goes down the drain, you can be sure that it will do further harm.

Kirkland Laundry Detergent

Kirkland Laundry Detergent