How To Shop Smartly And Affordably At Costco – The Items That Should Be Bought Or Avoided

Published on 10/10/2023

Don’t Buy – Electronics

Costco is a true mixed bag when it comes to shopping. Plenty of people prefer to fulfill all their grocery needs at the establishment, while others will look at books, clothing, and accessories, too. While we would not blame you for browsing through their electronics section, you’d best ignore the allure of flashing lights and high-resolution screens. Rather, check out other stores for better deals on electronics, especially those that do need memberships to join in the goodness.




Buy – Nuts

Costco lovers will be happy to learn that the warehouse shop will provide a wonderful and delicious variety of nuts. You can get your favorite types of nuts in enormous bags, too. Nuts can become very expensive in large quantities or when purchased from more expensive and fancy shops. Knowing that you can gorge yourself on pistachios, peanuts, and cashew nuts without spending a lot of money is a great thing to know for any nut lover!

