How To Shop Smartly And Affordably At Costco – The Items That Should Be Bought Or Avoided

Published on 10/10/2023

Buy – Organic Berries

While we did advise against purchasing fresh produce in the past, there are some exceptions to that rule. Organic berries are a fantastically delicious and healthy type of fruit, but they are also expensive and quite dependent on the season when it comes to availability. When Costco has a large amount available, and at an incredible pricing, you simply should not skip on the ultimate smoothy package. Whether you love to snack on these tasty energy bombs, or want the ultimate smoothy, this is the way to go. v

Organic Berries

Organic Berries


Skip – Dried Yeast, Baking Powder, And Flour

Contrary to popular opinion, baking ingredients like flour, dried yeast, and baking powder do not last that long in the pantry. There are some products that will, of course, but the Costco variety sadly has a diminished shelf life. You will not see much usage in these products if they are purchased in bulk, and you can only make so many baked treats unless you run your own bakery. Rather, buy only as many baking recipes as you need for a few batches of cookies, muffins, or cakes.

Dried Yeast Baking Powder And Flour

Dried Yeast Baking Powder And Flour