How To Shop Smartly And Affordably At Costco – The Items That Should Be Bought Or Avoided

Published on 10/10/2023

Don’t Buy – Toothpaste

Why go out of your way to find a good deal on toothpaste when most supermarkets and pharmacies offer the essential oral hygiene product for cheap, anyways? Toothpaste never really needs to be bought in bulk when there are such good deals on just a few tubes. While the Costco varieties do come in enormous containers, there is only so much toothpaste that even the most avid oral care enthusiasts can use. Save your cash for the dentist!




Buy – Peanut Butter

Who doesn’t adore peanut butter? From vegans to the more carnivorous among us, peanut butter is a firm favorite across the world. Whether you prefer your tub of peanut goodness smooth and creamy or crunchy and coarse, Costco will provide you with affordable and enormous family-sized tubs. You will never struggle to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with the options provided here. Keep your peanut butter cravings satisfied, always. I think I need to make one now, in fact!

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter