How To Shop Smartly And Affordably At Costco – The Items That Should Be Bought Or Avoided

Published on 10/10/2023

Don’t Buy – Condiments

Most people will only need one bottle for each of their favorite sauces, which will last them for a good few weeks, at least. There really is no need to splash out on condiments and buy them in large quantities, whether you live alone or with a group of people. Although condiments have a long shelf life, they will need to be refrigerated once open, and it can be a real pain having too many bottles in the fridge.




Don’t Buy – Salsa

Although salsa is an essential part of any party, for a single person, the Costco jar is far too large. We all love chip and dip, but there is a time and place for any large party supply. Even if you get a great deal for a large tub of the spicy stuff, there is a good chance that you will end up throwing most of the contents away. Unlike many condiments, salsa does not keep for a long time.

