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Published on 09/01/2019

Going into Labor

It is no secret that women will undergo labor after they carried a baby for 9 months. Still, it is nearly impossible to predict the due date with 100% accuracy. Many people spend their days wondering if it is time to give birth soon. Generally, soon-to-be mothers experience lower contractions for several hours before it is time to give birth. Now that you know this, you will see what was so different about this one.

Going into Labor

Going into Labor

How It Goes

There is a chance that the pregnant woman will get these contractions for quite some time. They will start out slow at the start but then speed up as it gets closer to the delivery. While this is the way it normally happens, keep in mind that it is not always the same for all women. Sometimes, the labor will take longer or shorter than usual. When the woman is not prepared, it tends to happen faster.

How It Goes

How It Goes