Brian Williams – Allison Williams (29 Years Old)
Allison Williams is truly a beautiful lady. Her father, meanwhile, is the news anchor and television personality Brian Williams. He is a controversial figure who claimed he was involved in an Iraqi helicopter crash in 2003, though a soldier reported that this was not true. The NBC gave him a six-month suspension, and Allison once claimed that it was hard to make a name for herself as her dad’s reputation always preceded her. Nowadays, she works as an actress, model, and singer.

Brian Williams – Allison Williams (29 Years Old)
Phil Collins – Lily Collins (23 Years Old)
Phil Collins continues to be one of the biggest and most successful British musical artists history has ever seen. Before, he spent a lot of his time going on tours and spending time at the recording studio. His beautiful daughter once wrote that she missed him, though she has also mentioned in the same school essay that she forgave him for not being around. Now that she is also a successful celebrity, we are sure she understands what it was like for him.

Phil Collins – Lily Collins (23 Years Old)