Diorite Head Statue
The Diorite Head Statue depicts an unknown official. It dates back to the 30th Dynasty in 380 to 343 B.C. It looks a lot like other head statues from the same time period, but the person in it was not a pharaoh. There used to be hieroglyphs to identify the official, but they have smoothed over the years. The origins of the carved Egyptian head remain a mystery, but it went for $842,500 at Christie’s New York in 2010. It is made of diorite, which is an intrusive igneous rock that is dense and difficult to carve. Despite these properties, the material was important for artistic expression in various ancient civilizations in the past.

Diorite Head Statue
Sarcophagus Of Princess Sopdet-em-Haawt
Worth a million bucks, the Sarcophagus of Princess Sopdet-em-Haawt is one of the most iconic symbols of ancient Egypt to be auctioned off. She was a noble of Herakleopolis, the ancient Upper Egypt capital, in the 8th century B.C. Her father was the ruler of the capital, Peft-Jauawy-Bast. The piece was made with polychrome wood and shows her with a beaded collar and the winged pectoral of a goddess called Nut.

Sarcophagus Of Princess Sopdet-Em-Haawt