The Dropa Stones
Also known as Dzopa stones or Drop-ka, the Dropa stones refer to a collection of 716 stone discs that go all the way back to 12,000 years ago. Found in the Bayan Har Mountains of the Qinghai Province, the stones come with a series of markings that look like hieroglyphs. They were written in a way that had never been seen in the past. The stone discs have a diameter as big as a foot. They also come with two double-spiral grooves. In 1962, they were found by a Chinese archaeologist called Tsum Um Nui. Russian archaeologists asked to study the discs and came to the conclusion that the stones did not just have tracings of cobalt but also a faint hum! At the moment, people still argue about their authenticity.

The Dropa Stones
The Boot Of Cortez
In the Western Hemisphere, the biggest surviving gold nugget is none other than the “Boot of Cortez.” Made of solid gold, it weighs 389.4 troy ounces or 26.7 pounds. A prospector found it in the Mexican state of Sonora, around seventy miles away from the Arizona border, in 1989. He did not have to resort to using anything fancy to do so. No, he simply bought a metal detector at Radio Shack. He did not find anything more than bullets, nails, and the like in the first couple of days. One morning, he started to dig as soon as it went haywire. This was how he found the Boot of Cortez, now worth over $1.5 million.

The Boot Of Cortez