Statue Of Egyptian God Sekhmet
In case you are unfamiliar with the Egyptian pantheon, Sekhmet is a warrior goddess often portrayed as a lioness. She is also known as the goddess of healing and the protector of the pharaoh. The deity is believed to lead the rulers in warfare and heal their injuries. She allegedly took them to the afterlife when they died. In 2013, Sotheby’s sold the head of Sekhmet for $4.1 million. The statue was believed to formerly be located in the Temple of Thebes in Luxor, Egypt. If this were through, it would have come from 1353 to 1390. The temple was built by Amenhotep III to honor a mother goddess called Mut.

Statue Of Egyptian God Sekhmet
Guennol Lioness Sculpture
Discovered close to Baghdad, the Guennol Lioness Statue went for more than $60 million at Sotheby’s. It is an Elamite figure that portrays an anthropomorphic lion-human. The piece is believed to go all the way back to 3,000 to 2,800 B.C. This is a historic discovery because it was made around the same time as cuneiform, the wheel, and the first cities. It shows us the Mesopotamian belief that it is possible to attain power if you combined the best attributes of different animal species. The lioness is a common idol among those that admired the feline hunting technique. As a matter of fact, it was not a rare sight at all in the Guennol!

Guennol Lioness Sculpture