Ötzi The Iceman
Also called the Frozen Fritz or the Frozen Man, Otzi the Iceman was found in the Otztal Alps in 1991. This region is found on the border of Italy and Australia, near a town called Feldthurns. This is the oldest human mummy that has been naturally preserved known to exist. He offered groundbreaking insight into the Copper Age in Europe. He was not an average Joe either. They found a total of 61 tattoos on his body! Not only that, but he was likely the victim of homicide as they found an arrowhead lodged in his left shoulder. We would have no trouble treating a wound like that now, but it was deemed fatal in those days. There has been a lot of speculation surrounding the life of this fascinating mummy.

Ötzi The Iceman
Rapa Nui
Sometimes called Easter Island, Rapa Nui is an island in the South Pacific. Archaeologists have since found 900 giant “head” statues called moai in the area. We are sure that you have seen copies of Easter Island Heads in pop culture in the past. However, the originals have been carved and erected between the 11th and 17th centuries A.D> They are anywhere from six to thirty feet tall, but an unfinished one stood at 61 feet tall! They represented the ancestors of the indigenous people in the area. Their forebears were deified in the name of protection and good fortune both in life and the afterlife. We are sure that the moai is considered priceless by the people who live there!

Rapa Nui