Before They Made It Big As Actors Or Actresses, They Were Amazing Athletes First

Published on 09/26/2019

Carl Weathers

Carl Weathers is best known as Apollo Creed from Rocky. However, he played pro football instead of boxing in real life. This Action Jackson star was once the linebacker for the Oakland Raiders. He also played in the Canadian League for two years before he started to act. He is now busy poking fun at his ‘80s action star image in various commercials and sitcoms.

Carl Weathers

Carl Weathers


Fred Williamson

Fred Williamson has been dubbed The Hammer for his tackles. He was a pro football player who played for the Oakland Raiders during the ‘60s. After his retirement, he went on to star in blaxploitation films. However, others probably know him better for starring in the 1996 film called From Dusk Till Dawn.

Fred Williamson

Fred Williamson