Hulk Hogan
Hulk Hogan is a big wrestling star who played a villain in Rocky III. He often played himself in various TV shows and B-movies. In 2005, he hopped on the reality TV show bandwagon with Hogan Knows Best. Recently, he was in hot water after he was heard using racist language. WWE promptly fired him.

Hulk Hogan
OJ Simpson
When he was at USC, OJ Simpson took home a Heisman Trophy. Of course, we all know that he set a rushing record during his time with the Buffalo Bills. However, he will forever be remembered for the infamous trials. In 1991, he got accused of the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. He got exonerated, but the families of the victims sued him for wrongful death and won the case. He is now in jail on charges of kidnapping and armed robbery. The Juice enjoyed a successful acting career during the ‘70s and ‘80s. He was best known for The Naked Gun and Roots.

OJ Simpson