Tesla is proving to be the future, for the young and wealthy this is becoming a sort of dream car. The BMW of eco-friendly cars is evidently on the rise around the globe. With shares tripling since October we have decided to breakdown exactly what the hype is and why you would want to get a Tesla. It is a first in the way they go about their sales as well as their constant innovative methodology.

Tesla- The Future is Eco-Friendly
Tesla truly focuses on the aspect of customer service and representation. They are leading the way in this regard as they own their own stores, service centers and direct their own customer sales, this being instead of selling to dealerships. The engineers of Tesla wanted to prove that driving electric vehicles did not have to be a compromise, that they could be just as fast, sleek and fun. Their vehicles emit absolutely know fossil fuels thus, making them one-hundred percent eco-friendly. This dynamic company manufacture energy solutions too: Powerwall, Powerback, and solar Roof- these all enable eco-friendly homes to match your wheels.
The company is not shy when it comes to spending cash on their designs and forward-thinking. They spent 1.1 billion dollars at the beginning of 2019 when building their Model 3, this made the company a rather shaky investment but those that decided to buy shares are certainly happy as shares tripled since October 2019. They have utilized an evergrowing market as all brands will soon make the shift to eco-friendly cars however, they have now placed themselves at the forefront of this. Their brand embodies safety, performance, and efficiency- no wonder Millenials are aiming to purchase the car.
Tesla aims at saving the environment and save its customers cahs on fuel- they have unveiled Tesla Semi which proved it would save drivers $200,000 over a million miles when it came to fuel expenditure. Production is held in California where most parts are built and sourced too. However, they are set to release a new feature that has their clientele going crazy. ‘Dog Mode’ which will be a chosen setting that can keep your furry friends cool and comfortable in your car at any time, the customers asked and they shall receive. WIth shares said to peak to $7,000 only time will tell but the future is green and Tesla is at the forefront, we are sure about this.