You Will Think Again About Your Bad Day When You See What These People Had To Deal With

Published on 11/04/2019

As the adage goes: “misery loves company.” Even though we try to be the nicest versions of ourselves, we cannot deny that we take pleasure in seeing other people fare worse than us.

Youre Not Having A Bad Day Compared To These Unfortunate People

You Will Think Again About Your Bad Day When You See What These People Had To Deal With

It is not something that we cannot help! This is just what it’s like. Read on to see people having the worst day ever.

Pizza Party Pooper

Be careful not to push yourself to the limit every single day. Remember, we all need to take a break.

Pizza Party Pooper

Pizza Party Pooper

If you can no longer hold onto your box of pizza, we are sure that this is a sign. Clearly, you have to go home and get some rest! After all, no one likes wasting their food. Especially if it is pizza.

Good Intentions

He only wanted to do the right thing, but he ended up regretting his choice in the moment after that.

Good Intentions

Good Intentions

He was only trying to do what was right, but he ended up regretting his decision as soon as possible.

Always Check

Whoa, how embarrassing. She tried to use this car window as a mirror without checking if there was anyone inside it first. Oops.

Always Check

Always Check

The driver was not having it. There was no better way to let her know than by rolling down the window!

Trapped Inside

There are many games dealing with the same issue. We know it looks hard, but there is a solution for it.

Trapped Inside

Trapped Inside

We just hope that the owner of this car managed to figure it out. He needed a lot of help, that’s for sure.

Melted Away

Summer heat is not a laughing matter, mind you. This poor toy duck melted away on one very hot day.

Melted Away

Melted Away

Do not forget to look after your plastic toys as well. You do not want them to turn into a puddle, do you?

Very Unfair

When you pit man and water, there is no contest. He learned just how formidable of an opponent it is.

Very Unfair

Very Unfair

We hope that he learned his lesson after this. Maybe you should also learn from the experience he had.

Oh No

Next time, do not forget to close your windows. This couple did not know that an intruder snuck inside!

Oh No

Oh No

Their little guest looks so surprised! You would almost think that it was his privacy who just got invaded.

Wear a Belt

This group of elite soldiers were so focused on the mission that they failed to check the cables. Oops.

Wear a Belt

Wear a Belt

Sometimes, it is not good to focus on your job so much. We bet he never forgot to use a belt after this!

Tread Carefully

We know that it is painful when you step on Lego. Sadly, the truth is that screws tend to hurt even more.

Tread Carefully

Tread Carefully

This is why you should check before you go barefoot on a wooden floor. They might be hiding there!

What A Twist

This fella over here could not wait to finish his food. The weather was great, and he was glad to be here.

What A Twist

What A Twist

He had no idea that there was someone waiting for the right moment to swoop in and get his ice cream!

Frozen Water

Did you believe us when we told you that we humans just do not have what it takes to go against water?

Frozen Water

Frozen Water

During winter, it is important to park in a safe place. After all, you do not want to be in his shoes, right?

Trolling By The DMV

We bet it had been a very boring day at the DMV office. A bored employee wanted to spice things up!

Trolling By The DMV

Trolling By The DMV

She was both amused and stressed at the same time. It is funny, but we would not want to use it either.

Way Too Long

It is annoying when you turn off your computer and find it updating. These things take a lot of time!

Way Too Long

Way Too Long

This person was even more pissed than usual, however. After all, when will this update ever end?!

Not Like That

Now, we all want to save time. If you are trying to dry your clothes, just be careful not to overdo it.

Not Like That

Not Like That

After all, you will do more damage than good when you do this. You just not a little steam and no fire.

Window Seat

Many want the window seat for the sake of the views. We can see why this little guy was upset about it.

Window Seat

Window Seat

Why did they even call it that if there was no window here? More than a little confusing, if you ask us.

How Unfortunate

You might be strong, but you still need help. Sadly, sometimes you miss the right opportunity to do so.

How Unfortunate

How Unfortunate

He hoped to find something that will help improve his life. He did not find it because his timing was off.

Double Whammy

Fruit juice goes well with just about anything you want to eat. This makes the photo all the more tragic.

Double Whammy

Double Whammy

We can see what happened after this. He probably shook the box with as much strength as he could!

Taken By Surprise

Lockers are used to store all kinds of things. This girl, however, had the worst luck when she got hers.

Taken By Surprise

Taken By Surprise

She just wanted to keep all of her things there, but it was almost full right from the get-go. We hope that she got to ask for a different one after this happened.

What A Big Shock

While gay rights have improved over the years, a gay relationship still comes with a lot of challenges.

What A Big Shock

What A Big Shock

They had it even worse than most of their peers. Can you imagine how shocked they were after this?

Bad Luck

They were confident that their big day would be perfect. After all, they had the venue they wanted!

Bad Luck

Bad Luck

In the end, it turned out to be the wrong venue for the event. The ring ended up falling into the pond.

A Splash Of Color

We bet you already know that a collision is bad enough as it is. Still, he was even unluckier than usual.

A Splash Of Color

A Splash Of Color

What could be even worse than this? How unlucky of him to have buckets in the backseat at the time.

Terrible Surprise

There are times when surprises are fine. Even so, you must never ever take a hungry person by surprise!

Terrible Surprise

Terrible Surprise

This guy was just waiting for the rice. He thought everything was fine until he opened the lid. Yikes.

Too Strong

Never forget that MRI scans have strong magnets. It is important to keep metal things away from it.

Too Strong

Too Strong

Sadly, the employees at this clinic forgot it for a brief moment. It was enough for this to happen.

Like A Zebra

It is hard to predict the next big thing in fashion and beauty. A farmer’s tan is not rare at all, right?

Like A Zebra

Like A Zebra

We present to you, the zebra tan. It might not be a good idea to wear ripped jeans out in the sun.

Bad ID Picture

Things might be hard for you when you look nothing like the photo in your passport. It can be awkward.

Bad ID Picture

Bad ID Picture

Generally, people hate the way they look in their IDs. Let us just say that she had it worse than usual.

Going Down Down

Ensure that the parachute is working before you jump out of a plane. Your pockets should be empty too.

Going Down Down

Going Down Down

He failed to do the latter, which explains how he lost his key as he went down. Don’t forget this step!

Naked And Stuck

No one likes getting stuck in the bathroom. Sadly, this guy had such bad luck he was stuck in the shower.

Naked And Stuck

Naked And Stuck

How awkward must it have been when the repair guy got there? Naked, stuck, and afraid. How awful.

Too Much Stress

When you are stressed, you can always use stress balls to vent a little. This trick won’t do for this guy.

Too Much Stress

Too Much Stress

It happened after he squeezed the ball too hard! Oops. He should look for a new way to deal with stress.

Watch Out

If you have a toolbox in your car, make sure to keep it shut while you drive. One driver forgot to do this.

Watch Out

Watch Out

This was how a heavy tool ended up stuck in a clean windscreen. How annoying must that have been?

Fiery Food

Sure, it is not unusual to hear of people burning their food. More often than not, the house is spared…

Fiery Food

Fiery Food

How tragic must life be for this guy? He did not just lose his meal, but the entire kitchen went with it.

A Hat Won’t Do

This guy knows how important it is to keep his skin safe in the summer. That’s why he wore a hat!

A Hat Won’t Do

A Hat Won’t Do

Despite this, he neglected the other parts of his skin. Next time, don’t forget about your nape and neck.

Have You Seen This Boy

We bet that he is good at hide and seek. His dad wondered where he could be but still did not see him.

Have You Seen This Boy

Have You Seen This Boy

Can anyone tell us how he even got there? The kid must rule the playgrounds he and his pals go to.

The Closing Doors

“Please watch the closing doors.” We’ve heard it all too often in the past. Did you use to scoff at it?

The Closing Doors

The Closing Doors

As you can see below, there are folks out there with no common sense at all. Pay attention next time!

Skittles Scatter

This must be what dreams are made of. Pinch us! The pile of Skittles simply looks too good to be true.

Skittles Scatter

Skittles Scatter

We are sure that the cleaner is not happy about it, however. While it looks great, you should not eat it.

Google Maps Magic

Google Maps is truly amazing since it can catch moments that you would never have gotten to see.

Google Maps Magic

Google Maps Magic

This kid had no clue that his moment of embarrassment was going to be recorded. We are sure it sucks.

Too Close For Comfort

Whoa, we can’t believe that this happened. We thought that stuff like this only happed in video games.

Too Close For Comfort

Too Close For Comfort

If the stone went a little to its left, the house would have been in peril. It’s a good thing they got lucky.

A Surprise Visit

During Halloween season, many kids often say, “Trick or Treat.” What would you do after seeing him by the door, however?

A Surprise Visit

A Surprise Visit

Would you give him a handful of candy like the other visitors? You should at least strongly consider it.

Ferris Wheel Disaster

More often than not, there are far scarier rides than the Ferris wheel in any amusement park you visit.

Ferris Wheel Disaster

Ferris Wheel Disaster

However, this theme park was not like most. We doubt that anything can get scarier than this ride here!

Get A Pill Bottle

Do not be in such a haste to shut your laptop. Make sure that nothing is resting on the keyboard first.

Get A Pill Bottle

Get A Pill Bottle

The guy must have been so surprised the next time he flipped it open and found the damage. Yikes.

Terrible Parking

When parking, you will want to stay away from certain spots. For one, stay away from fruit trees.

Terrible Parking

Terrible Parking

Sadly, it is not like you can ever predict the moment that flying eggs will come at you. Ouch.

A Little Help From My Friends

We cannot stress just how important it is to choose your pals wisely. They should not leave you like this.

A Little Help From My Friends

A Little Help From My Friends

To be fair, we don’t know the story. Maybe they had only gone to look for the shovel when it was taken.

Lost Baggage

Did you know that some bags would get lost this way? The owner will now have to wait a bit to get it.

Lost Baggage

Lost Baggage

It is not like it is the end of the world when this happens. It might even lead to more adventures!

The Foundation Of Dread

We are sure that you think you have just entered a horror film after you see something like this.

The Foundation Of Dread

The Foundation Of Dread

I mean, how scary is this? You know what, we would like to take a picture here on Halloween.

A Surprise Lake

A lot of people like swimming in natural bodies of water. However, no one ever expected to see this.

A Surprise Lake

A Surprise Lake

There was an episode of the Office where they drove into the lake thanks to GPS. Did this happen here?

Nothing Unusual

We are sure that you have suffered through a sunburn once or twice in the past. It was awful, right?

Nothing Unusual

Nothing Unusual

We just do not think we can beat this guy when it comes to this. Look at the dent in his forehead. Yikes.

Like A Massacre

Don’t you think that this looks just like a massacre? We bet he was not quite as happy about it, however.

Like A Massacre

Like A Massacre

This is what you get when you work too hard. Next time, do not forget to keep your eye on your load.

Hold On Tight

You should never take handrails for granted, ladies and gentlemen. It might be the thing that saves you.

Hold On Tight

Hold On Tight

He had to pick between his bike and a handrail. We just hope that he has his priorities in order!


These two had been in the middle of celebrating some good news and clinked their drinks together.



We bet they had no idea that this was even possible. We feel sorry both for him and the restaurant staff.


Truly, plane engines are great inventions. Despite this, no one would want one to crash into their home.



This picture begs a lot of questions, doesn’t it? We want to find out exactly what happened in this photo.

Let Me Through

What should you do when you are not done passing through, but the park gate already goes down?

Let Me Through

Let Me Through

It is annoying, but there is nothing you can do but to pay twice. You can’t really argue with a machine.

Keep Doors Closed

We can’t think of one reason to keep the car doors open over the night. How foolish he was to do this.

Keep Doors Closed

Keep Doors Closed

Do you have any ideas about how he planned to get to his office at this point? Don’t follow in his footsteps.

Not For Adults

The playground looks like it was made for the use of children. Adults, stick to toys for your age!

Not For Adults

Not For Adults

The swing had wooden material, which explains why it broke. He might be better off using a steel one.

What Happened Here

There is nothing on earth that will ever beat returning home after spending such a long day at work.

What Happened Here

What Happened Here

This person completely forgot that she left the repair company in her house earlier that day. Uh-oh.

Brown Icicles

Are there squirrels in the roof? If this is the case, this is what the icicles will be like. It’s gross, we know.

Brown Icicles

Brown Icicles

If only it were possible to kick the animals out without any problems. They have freeloaded enough!

Mistaken Identity

This guy mistaken picked up some beef stock when he planned to get almond milk. They do look similar.

Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity

The next time that you have to go to the store to get anything, make sure to keep an eye on the packaging.

A Tricky Situation

It is surely a bad idea to pick it up right away. However, it is always satisfying when things fall like that.

A Tricky Situation

A Tricky Situation

Well, this is a little bit tricky. We have no idea how they could get it out of there without any spilling!

Short And Sweet

There are times when short and sweet is a good idea. After all, working with a smaller number of words can be more effective than saying a lot of useless things.

Short And Sweet

Short And Sweet

However, it looks like this girl here did not offer enough information at all. We are sure that her professor wanted to hear more about it. Her message simply did not cut it.
